Today My Vaccine Pass was launched and it is now available to anyone aged 12 and over who has had two COVID-19 vaccinations administered in New Zealand, or who has been given a medical exemption.
Your Vaccine Pass, along with your valid ID will be needed to get into all bars and concert venues in NZ, once we move into the COVID-19 Protection Framework. This includes the Traffic Light system we are expecting to begin after the 29 November 2021 announcement.
The vaccine passes will be enforced at Ding Dong Lounge and all customers, performers, DJs and staff will need one.
If you are not vaccinated yet, we highly recommend you doing so, so that we are able to accept your entry into our venue.
If you're unavailable to get the Pfizer vaccine for medical reasons, we highly recommend you find out what you need to do to get an exemption, so that you can get a My Vaccine Pass. Find our more information here.
If you received your vaccination overseas, find out more info here.
These are difficult times for all of us as we all know a lot of people who are for and against the vaccination passes. Please be kind 🙏